Online gym subscription management system website

Andres Felipe Ospina

Prompt: I want to create an interface design in Figma for an admin account of an online gym subscription system. The interface should be organized as follows: Main Dashboard: Display a general overview with key metrics (number of active subscribers, subscriptions pending renewal, total revenue, scheduled classes). Include a section for important notifications and quick access to key functions. User Management: Section for subscribers with options to view, search, and edit profiles, manage subscriptions, and view payment history. Section for trainers/instructors with the option to assign classes. Subsection for secondary administrators, with configurable roles and permissions. Class Management and Scheduling: Create and edit classes, define schedules, and assign trainers. Include an interactive class calendar. Show class reservations and attendance history. Payment Management: Transaction history with filters and options to manage pending payments. Options for billing and payment method configuration. Reports and Analytics: Reports on subscribers, revenue, and class analysis. System Settings: General settings, interface customization, content management, and automated notifications. Support and Help: Section for support tickets and a help center with documentation and tutorials. Security and Audit: Access management, activity logs, and security monitoring. The design should be intuitive, with a professional and modern color palette, and follow UX/UI design principles. Additionally, the navigation menus should be clear and accessible, organized in a side panel with collapsible sections.